Badezimmerspiegel sind immer beschlagen, ein sehr nützlicher Anti-Beschlag- und Feuchtigkeitsschutz-Trick, Badezimmerspiegel sind nicht mehr beschlage

Ansichten : 709
Autor : xk
Updatezeit : 2021-01-28 10:39:00
Bathroom mirrors are always foggy, a very useful anti-fog and moisture-proof trick, bathroom mirrors are no longer foggy

After a day's work, our body needs adequate rest. Taking a bath is the most relaxing way to relax the body. Now we all have our own bathroom with a large bathroom mirror. Even after taking a shower, you can still appreciate your hazy beauty. Many people always find a problem after taking a shower, that is, there is always fog on the bathroom mirror. Not only the portrait is blurred, even if you wipe it with a towel, but a layer of fluffy debris will also fall off the surface of the bathroom mirror. This annoys many people with narcissistic complexes, who are clearly equipped with a bathroom mirror but can't see anything indistinctly. Today I will share with you a little life skill. You only need to learn these anti-fog and moisture-proof tips, and the bathroom mirror will no longer be foggy.

Single Counter Top Sink Wall Mounted Hanging Bathroom Vanity Cabinet WBL-0312

I. Why is there water mist on the bathroom mirror 

A layer of mist on the bathroom mirror after the shower? Practical anti-fog and moisture-proof small coup bid farewell to the fog without worry. The reason why there is a layer of mist on the bathroom mirror is that when we take a bath, the water temperature is relatively hot, and there will be a lot of water vapor, and the temperature on the glass of the bathroom mirror is lower. The layer of water mist makes the sperm become blurred. So what can be done to effectively prevent water mist on the bathroom mirror? Let's understand together.
Single Counter Top Sink Wall Mounted Hanging Bathroom Vanity Cabinet WBL-0723

II. How to prevent water mist on the bathroom mirror 

Before we take a bath, take out the soap. Wipe the surface of the bathroom mirror with soap, and then find a clean cloth to wipe off the soap on the surface of the bathroom mirror. At this time, a layer of soap liquid film is formed on the surface of the bathroom mirror. This layer of soap liquid film can be very slippery and can prevent water vapor from condensing on the mirror surface, thus forming a good waterproof fog effect. With this method, the bathroom mirror will not be misted for as long as the bath is washed. Pro-test is effective.

III. How to protect the bathroom mirror from moisture

The bathroom mirror is placed in the bathroom. The bathroom is where we wash and must be full of moisture. Over time, the moisture will invade the bathroom mirror, causing dark spots and mildew spots on the edges of the bathroom, which is very ugly. Not only that, the bathroom mirror is located in a humid environment for a long time, but also shortens the life of the mirror. If water vapor enters the mirror surface from the side of the bathroom mirror, it will also corrode the mirror surface. Therefore, if you want to effectively prevent moisture, after buying the bathroom mirror, you should apply a layer of paint on the side and back of the mirror. This can effectively block moisture from entering the bathroom mirror and prevent the mirror surface from being corroded.
Double Counter Top Sink Floating Bathroom Vanity Cabinet WBL-0522

IV. How to clean the bathroom mirror

After the bathroom mirror is dirty, do not clean it directly with a wet cloth. The wet cloth will make the bathroom mirror dirtier and dirtier, and there may even be traces on the surface. The correct way is to use a soft dry cloth or cotton cloth to wipe the bathroom mirror, if it is not clean, you can dip a little kerosene or wax. The edge of the bathroom mirror can be wiped with a rag dipped in milk to make the bathroom mirror cleaner and brighter.
Single Under Counter Sink Wall Mounted Hanging Bathroom Vanity Cabinet WBL-0215

A layer of mist on the bathroom mirror after the shower? Practical anti-fog and moisture-proof small coup bid farewell to the fog without worry. Have you ever encountered the phenomenon that bathroom mirrors are always foggy in your daily life? How did you solve it? In fact, there is still a kind of anti-fog mirror on the market, which will not fog up in the bathroom. Finally, I hope my sharing today can help you. If you have other life tips, please leave a message in the comment area below to share.
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