Wie funktioniert die Anti-Rutsch-Funktion, wenn Sie eine freistehende Badewanne verwenden?

Ansichten : 484
Autor : xk
Updatezeit : 2020-12-11 09:56:12
Top Quality Oval Freestanding Acrylic Bathtubs  TW-7626

Although a freestanding bathtub can usually increase your experience while bathing, it also has some dangerous places. For example, slipping in a bathtub is very common, because the surface of the bathtub is designed to be very smooth, and it is easy to slip and fall in the presence of water, which may cause injuries. But for such dangers, we can take some measures to reduce the probability of danger.

The bathtub can pose many dangers, especially if the area around the bathtub is floor-mounted. If you don’t pay attention, you can easily slip and fall and hit the bathtub, or hit the bathroom wall with your head, causing sprains, concussions, and possibly even death. Especially for those who have difficulty walking or older people.

Research shows that nearly 80% of bathroom-related accidents last year occurred when the bathtub slipped. 37% of these occurred during bathing or showering, while the other 17% occurred only due to the relatively smooth nature of the bathtub and the floor. Nearly 5% of them caused the loss of consciousness and concussion.

I. How to do anti-slip work

If your bathroom is slippery, how can we prevent it? Here are some precautions to make your bathroom a safer place for everyone.

(1) Install shower mats or large towels outside the shower

There is a suction cup under the shower mat, which can form a stable floor for the bathtub. Step on it without worrying about slipping. The bathroom can also be placed with a floor stand, which can also play a non-slip effect to ensure a safe space to enter and exit, and to ensure that the feet do not touch the slippery floor.

(2) Install handles in the bathroom and bathtub/shower room

The grip provides a stable area for the elderly so that they can easily get in and out of the shower/bath. They also provide a self-sufficient way for the injured to use the toilet.

(3) Apply an anti-slip agent on the surface of your bathtub

You can buy an anti-slip agent at an outside store. Just clean the surface of the bathtub, apply the formula with a roller, and let it dry. The formula is safe to use, cheap and increases the adhesion of the bathtub surface to make it more stable.

II. Affected by slippery bathroom

Slippery bathrooms can hurt anyone, but most importantly, it is a vital danger for children and the elderly. Specifically, for the elderly, their legs and feet do not have much strength. If they accidentally stand unsteady, they will fall down easily. For both parties, accessibility is another factor. Showerheads, faucets, and toiletries are usually Keep them at a high altitude and cannot reach them, thus causing greater danger.

III. Steps to clean and maintain the non-slip bathtub

One step to ensure the safety of the bathtub is to ensure that the surface of the bathtub is clean. If the bathtub is not cleaned for a long time, it is easy to accumulate some dirt. If it is not cleaned well, it is very unhygienic to use it, and accidents are more likely to occur due to the poor materials on the surface. For products with anti-slip agents or products using adhesive tapes, irritating chemicals can easily peel off and remove most of the protective coating, so it is best to use general-purpose cleaning sprays and brushes.

(1) Spray the bathtub downward with a general spray, and then clean it with a sponge;

(2) Wash the entire area of the bathtub with a combination of water and soap;

(3) Thoroughly clean the shower mat to avoid accumulating underneath, causing unpleasant odors;

(4) Clean and wipe all handles or rods to ensure that their surface is uneven and easy to grasp;

(5) Check the integrity of the anti-skid solution or tape. If they are worn out, replace them.

IV. Other tips to keep the bathroom non-slip

(1) Install multiple bath mats, which are cheap and can be placed in a place where they usually move around and are easy to slip;

(2) When decorating the bathtub, you can choose a non-slip floor, which may not look good, but you can choose it for safety;

(3) Shower chairs and shower curtains are another safe choices for the elderly in the family;

(4) Set up separate auxiliary tools for showers and bathtubs to reduce the amount of water sprinkled on the floor;

(5) Paste non-slip patterns on your bathroom floor;

The bathroom should be a comfortable and safe place, not a place where people are injured.

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