Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bei der Waschtischinstallation, haben Sie diese Punkte beachtet?

Ansichten : 1335
Autor : xk
Updatezeit : 2021-01-19 14:04:50
People have to wash their faces every day, and the washbasin is one of the necessary tools for washing their faces, no matter the choice of the brand or the installation of the location, special attention is needed. The inaccurate installation position of the washbasin will directly affect the daily use and bring a lot of inconvenience to our lives. How much do you know about washbasin installation? Let's take a look at the issues that need attention when installing the washbasin.
Wall-Mount Hung Artificial Stone Solid Surface Wash Basin Single Bathroom Sink TW-G823

I.The depth of the washbasin is proportional to the intensity 

The first thing to consider when installing the washbasin is whether it is convenient and comfortable to use. Generally speaking, the depth of the washbasin is directly proportional to the intensity of the water flow of the faucet installed on it. The faucet with strong water flow is installed on a deep table; the water flow is small on the table before installation. Never install a large faucet on a platform with a shallow bottom, as this will cause excessive water flow and overflow the washbasin.

II. Pay attention to the height of the washbasin 

When washing our face, once water splashes on our body, this is the most troublesome thing, and it is also our most uncomfortable point. The choice of the height of the washbasin is more important. If the height is not good enough, when you wash your face every day, you are covered with water, and your good mood throughout the day is destroyed. Generally speaking, the washbasin installation has a standard height. Regardless of whether it is a free-standing or a desktop washbasin, the height of the pool or countertop should be 80~85 cm above the ground, because a too short pool can cause back pain.

Round Freestanding Pedestal Sink Bathroom Wash Basin TW-Z352

III. Pay attention to the finish of the washbasin 

The edge of the washbasin must be slightly higher than the countertop, but the connection with the countertop must be smooth. The purpose is to wipe the water splashed on the countertop back into the counter without obstruction and to facilitate the cleaning of the countertop. The finish of the washbasin itself is very important. The high finish of the countertop makes it difficult for the sundries in the water to adhere to the surface, which reduces the number of scrubbing.

IV.The space of the washstand determines the form

Washbasins are roughly divided into two types: free-standing and countertop. The independent style is beautiful in appearance, small in area, and easy to maintain, suitable for the bathroom with small space. The countertop should occupy at least the space of a small desk. Toilet utensils can be placed on its countertop, and sundries can be placed in the cabinet below. If the area of the bathroom is not large, you can consider installing a triangular washbasin in the corner of the wall, and a triangular sundries rack can be hung above the table to store washing supplies.

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The above is the relevant content about the precautions for the installation of the washbasin, I hope it can be helpful to everyone!
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