Wie lange kann die Acrylbadewanne verwendet werden?

Ansichten : 812
Autor : xk
Updatezeit : 2020-12-19 16:36:00
Oval Freestanding Acrylic Bathtub TW-7626
Acrylic bathtubs are currently the most common bathtub material. Many families choose acrylic bathtubs. So how long can acrylic bathtubs last? Today I will sort out the service life of the acrylic bathtub for your reference.

1. What is a bathtub made of pure acrylic material?

A pure acrylic bathtub is a bathtub made of acrylic as raw material. Pure acrylic is a polymer material, a kind of plexiglass material, with good heat preservation and stability, and is a common material for household goods.
Rectangle Back To Wall Freestanding Acrylic Bathtub TW-7621
2. How long can the acrylic bathtub be used normally?

Oval Freestanding Acrylic Bathtub TW-7603GThe lifespan of a pure acrylic bathtub is generally about 10 years. The durability of a pure acrylic bathtub still depends on how you use and maintain it. Put cold water before use, and do not use hot spring water. Do not use strong acid and strong detergents. Cleaning the bathtub will extend his life. Acrylic is currently the most common material in bathtubs. It has good plasticity, strong heat preservation, and high hardness. The heat transfer of the acrylic bathtub is very slow, so the heat preservation effect is good. Even in the cold winter, the skin will not feel "cold" when touching the surface of the acrylic bathtub. The collision between the human body and the acrylic bathtub generally does not hurt the body. It is a necessary material for making luxurious bathtubs.

3. Under what circumstances will the bathtub be damaged?

Generally, a normal pure acrylic bathtub can be used for a long time. If it is damaged, most of the bathtub accessories have problems, such as the faucet, water pipe, accessories, etc., if the bathtub accessories are broken, directly Just replace with new accessories. The cylinder of a normal acrylic bathtub will not be damaged.

4. Precautions for using the pure acrylic bathtub.

The size and type of the bathtub must be determined in advance for the pure acrylic bathtub, and the bathtub installation must be installed by professionals, and at the same time whether it can be used normally after installation and testing. Pay more attention when using the bathtub, and don't scratch the surface of the bathtub with sharp objects.

If you want the bathtub to look more clean and beautiful, it is recommended that you wash it every time you use the bathtub. If you have the conditions, you can use a bathtub cleaner to clean it, so that the bathtub can be used for a long time and is clean and beautiful.

Hot Sale Oval Hotel Freestanding Acrylic Bathtubs  TW-7651
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