Wie reinige ich die Kunststeinbadewanne?

Ansichten : 894
Autor : xk
Updatezeit : 2020-12-22 16:59:00
Bcak To Wall Freestanding Artificial Stone Solid Surface Bathtub TW-8609

Taking a bath every day is the best way to eliminate fatigue for a day. It is also good for your health, but it is good for your health to be clean. Therefore, the artificial stone bathtub installed in your home must be cleaned regularly, otherwise, it will breed bacteria, but it is good for people. It is harmful to the body. Anyone who has an artificial stone bathtub at home knows that cleaning the bathtub is a headache, but this process has to be omitted.

Yellow dirt is often left on the tub wall of the bathtub. If you want to remove the yellow stains, you can use a ratio of 1:9 bleach to the water. Dip a cloth and wipe to remove the dirt. You can also put lemon slices in the bathtub. Above the yellow trace, the yellow trace will disappear. Newspaper is also a good helper for cleaning the bathtub, so don't throw away the newspapers you usually finish reading. Use newspapers to wipe the bathtub or wipe with decontamination powder, and then rinse with water to clean the bathtub. If the cloth soaked in vinegar is covered on the dirt overnight, the next day the baking soda and vinegar are mixed into a paste, and then a toothbrush is dipped in the paste to clean the bathtub, and the bathtub will be clean.
Oval Vertical line Freestanding Artificial Stone Bathtub Solid Surface Wash Basin Bathroom Sink Complete Set TW-8687 Series

Using a bathtub cleaner can also effectively remove the scale and dirt of the bathtub, and it can save time, and it will not damage the bathtub. Generally, the bathtub at home will be prepared for use. If the bathtub is blocked, the dirt will be sucked out after the repair is completed. At this time, it needs to be cleaned in time, and the bathtub should be cleaned carefully to avoid leaving bacteria.

The bathtub is kept in a hot and humid state all year round, and it is easy to breed bacteria. Sometimes the surface looks white and clean. In fact, there are many bacteria. Therefore, the artificial stone bathtub needs to be cleaned frequently, and it needs to be disinfected and wiped with boiling water on a regular basis. Disinfect water is not available.

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